Sunday, October 24, 2010

M is for Moon/ Goodnight Moon

We worked on the M is for Moon lessons from MFW K the last two weeks and also went through 'Goodnight Moon' BFIAR

We enjoyed the weather outside a lot the last few weeks...Bud picking up acorns.

They were having a blast just filling up buckets with acorns.

My baby gave this to sweet--Little Bear loves his Mama!


Little Bear taking a milk break

Sissy 'painting' the house with water

She loved this....and I loved that it was not real paint--at least not until later;)

Little Bear with one of his favorite toys---a football!!!

The solar system by Bud

Bud also put the planets in order and wanted to make a 'banner'--hmmm, I wonder where he got that idea of a banner?
Sis' dot to dot 'E' and Bud's astronaut

Goodnight Moon resources and Moon printables from:  homeschool share

School Update

School is going really well so far! I realized I haven't updated how the first week went--or the first month or so for that matter.

We have settled into a groove for the most part.

To recap:

Bud (Pre-K 4)is using My Father's World K for Bible/Character, Science and supplementing Math. He is using Queen's English Language Lessons for Little One's v.3 for Phonics, Narration and Picture Study. We are also going to start Abeka K Math (since we were given this workbook for free). Math is his favorite subject so if we breeze through it we will start MEP year 1. We have also started going to a once a week homeschool Co-op where Bud is taking a Moods/Manners class, Fine Arts class, and a Spanish class.

MEP Math 

MFW K suggest a 6 day schedule per theme....and to be honest, I try to just stay on one theme for a week.
However, I love the flexibility of the program and there have been times we have stayed two weeks on one theme and that is just fine.

I am also using this year to do 'delight directed' and topical unit studies with the kids.  We start the second unit study next we'll delay our MFW K theme for the following week.

So far we have covered the Community Helpers/Safety (unit study) Days of Creation, The Sun,  and the Moon.  We will take a detour this week and study Astronauts/Solar System a little more in depth.

I am loving MFW K...the themes, Bible and Science activities is really top notch!

For Sissy, I am using Before Five in a Row.  Thanks to Amber at Refined Metals Academy, I am using her list for matching up themes/titles for BFIAR and MFW K.   Sissy is also part of the preschool class at Co-op.  They focus on a different alphabet each week and have fun activities centered around that letter/theme---she loooooves it!

Little Bear is joining us when he wants.  I set up a few weekly activity boxes for him.   He is on the brink of a language explosion here...any day now, any day now:)

First Day of School Pics

So I am finally getting to posting pics of the first day of school---here we go!

These are Bud's work folders

Activity Boxes: Top row is for Bud, 2nd row is Sissy's and bottom row is for Little Bear, my supply box on bottom right

 Close up view of Sissy's boxes...she has the most 'stuff' in activity boxes for her "Tot School" time

First Day of School photo with Dad

Bud...Pre-K 4
 Morning Calendar Time
 Even Little Bear is joining in
 Sissy has her Tot School Folder
 Bud's Math time (sorting)
 White board with our schedule

Bud's desk: You can see what he has already done for the day on his chart on the wall.

This is where he puts the completed folders/work.
Sis working on a puzzle from her Tot Box

In action

Sis was very proud that when she finished this alphabet puzzle!