Monday, September 12, 2011

Classical Conversations Cycle 3 and Five in a Row - Our booklist and activity/ printable links

This week is our first week using Five in a Row as our weekly literature selection.  I began lining up different FIAR titles that would be a great read for the 24 History sentences we will be focusing on at CC.  There were some obvious 'go-along' titles that worked well.  There are also some that are a bit of a 'stretch' connection wise.  But, I love FIAR and wanted to incorporate it into our year even though we are doing CC.

I must say it is working out so far!  I used titles from FIAR volumes 1-3 and one from volume 4.  I also used titles from Homeschool Share which is an incredible resource.

I will update later this week with pics, project links, etc.

But, for now I wanted to upload our FIAR/CC Cycle 3 Booklist for those that may be interested.

Here is the link:
FIAR/ CC Cycle 3 Book and Activity List

Do you use Five in a Row?  CC?  Both?  Drop me a comment--I'd love to hear how you incorporate either or both.  


  1. Just wanted to let you know this is awesome! Although we chose not to do CC this year for a couple of reasons we do plan on being part of it next year, we use BFIAR so to me this looks amazing that you were able to combine the two! Thanks for the handwork girly...

    God Bless

  2. I have finally found you again! Last month I had somehow come across your website, downloaded, saved, and printed your Literature and History Reading Chart and then couldn't figure out where in the world-wide-web I had seen it!

    Thanks so much for this. It's great! I'll be linking to it on our blog.

    Thank you!!!
    Brandy at Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood

  3. Hi Brandy,

    Glad you found me again! I love your resources...that's an understatement---I am soooo grateful for the resources you have posted. I've been slow at posting because our CC class is on Friday and that is when I would normally post. I have alot of great pics of our adventures up to week 8! Hopefully, I'll get yet another 'catch up' post soon.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. We did FIAR our first year, then second year just used it a little bit. This year we are using CC. But, my kids have told me the missed FIAR so much! So now I can do both! Thanks for your help! Cant wait for our new school year to start with 2nd grader and Kinder doing CC at home and correlating FIAR along with!!!!

  5. Crystalynn, my kids are also drawn to FIAR books the most. One of my daughter's favorite books is 'Anna and the New Coat'. This go around for Cycle 3 we are doing a lot of different Picture Books and Read Alouds for HIstory. But, for my two youngest we are going to 'Row' about dozen FIAR books.
