Friday, December 16, 2011

November favorite pics

November was such a fun and full month.  Here are some of my favorite pics that tell a summary of what we did.

Lil Bear trying to form pipe cleaner letters

A box full of fun stuff keeps  Lil Bear occupied while working with Sis and Bud.

We made muffins on a gray and rainy day.

Each one chose their flavor.

The finished product----yum!

Bud worked to complete a nature walk badge for Ranger Kids (Royal Rangers).

Here's a close-up of what he found and labeled.  I think his captions are pretty cute. (Purpley orange leaf, leaves with acorn still attached)

Close up of his presentation

We covered the letter G--glitter garden flowers.  Sis getting ready for Rainbows (Missionettes)

Lunch time at Classical Conversations with friends....Bud wasn't crazy about having his pic taken---ergggh;(

Bud's juice box invention

We made a  fruit turkey at our Homeschool Co-op's pre-k Thanksgiving party

...and a last minute candy corn chocolate cake---thanks to Pepperidge Farms and Pinterest downloads.

working on a craft at the Thanksgiving Party

more craft time

sweet friends

My two boys getting ready for church.

Sis came with me to our Pastor daughter's wedding.  It was her first time to go to a wedding at church and she loved it!
A special practice on the 'big stage' at church.

Christmas choir practice ---'GT and the Halo Express'

HBud absolutely looooved being in the choir.  It was a big victory for our typically shy kid to get up there in the front row.

Here is Bud working on a map free hand.  I love his captions--Canada=cold

Tracing the US

so focused

Sis picking up crayons with kitchen tongs---great fine motor fun.

Thanks for stopping by---December pics to come!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where did the time go? October favorite pics

 Things are moving pretty fast here on the homeschool front....and with little time to blog I thought I'd put up my fav's for the month of October.   One thing I really love about being apart of Classical Conversations is that it keeps me on track on what to focus on in our studies of History/Literature and Memory Work.  In October we finally got out of the triple digit weather and enjoyed a sort of Spring like weather.  On some days we just took everything outside---what a treat.

CLE Math outside

Working on one of his favorite subjects--math!

Sis and Lil Bear in the 'club house'.

Before Five in a Row---"Angus Lost" by Marjorie Flack

We broke out the tents..why not?

Field trip to a wonderful farm.

They were so glad that Grammy could join us on this field trip.

Some of our church friends may recognize the farmer.

Cow milking demonstation---Hershey the Cow.

Going on a hayride.

Ostrich egg

Cutie Lil Bear looking at the chickens

They had a great animal preserve on the farm.

Gears, gears, gears play

Play doh letters with Sis

Learning about the Declaration of Independence and trying to sign like John Hancock.

There is his interpretation;)

Play doh letters with Lil Bear

Snack and letter find outside with Sis

Color by number outside on the easel with Bud.

Nature Journal with the kids.  I wrote as we observed.

October was a great month....snacks and cars in the 'club house' with Lil Bear.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dancing in the Rain

I love having the flexibility to just stop what we are doing and change directions depending on a rain shower, or a spontaneous trip to the library or a great many number of other reasons.  One such occasion happened today.

Here is a photo of Sis dancing in the rain and also of the footprints that they made.  So simple and so sweet and reminds me of this quote:

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about dancing in the rain."