Friday, September 30, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up - Catch up post --Kindergarten

Well, we are slowly getting in a rhythm here!  I'm learning not to schedule appointments/errands on our 'stay home' days.  And, I'm learning (albeit slowly) that there is a learning curve in juggling teaching children on two different lesson plans/focus.  It makes curriculum that encourages combining grade levels very attractive right about now.


Classical Conversations: Memory Work

It was exciting to start our weekly routine in learning the new 'grammar'.  We have been utilizing and loving the C3 Online Tutorials.  (You can find the online tutorials at Classical Conversations homepage, CC Connected, Foundations, Online Tutorials---you do have to have a C3 membership)  It is one of the highlights of my Bud's day.  Sissy likes to tag along and prolong going to nap....but she finds what he is doing fun--so I let her.

History Focus: Columbus, Pilgrims

We read the back of the Veritas Press cards and I had several books in his Discovery Basket about Columbus.  I also had printable activities and crafts (Link to all printables and activities for Discovery Basket) that he could do during his couch time.  For some reason, he was scared of the photos of Columbus and the island Natives.  So, he really didn't read those much.
Book of the Week: Henry the Castaway and Goody O'Grumpity

But he did really, really enjoy Henry the Castaway.  This is a Five in a Row selection and we just loved 'rowing' Henry this week.  There are so many activities we could have done.  But, instead I got the FIAR manual, a blank notebook and a pencil and we went through the topics/lessons as we read.   I loved the fact that he 'got' the connection about calling one of the cats Columbus.   The next week we read Goody O'Grumpity.  This was more of a poem with wonderful illustrations.  We didn't have time to make the spice cake recipe from the book...but we may during Thanksgiving.   Below are some pics of his bulletin board of projects, worksheets---creations!

Math: CLE Sunrise Math 1: He finished his first Light Unit for 1st grade math.  This may SEEM fast...but we started this Light Unit last year for pre-k.  We just made our way slowly through it.  Now, we will probably go at a more 'normal' pace.  He loves doing CLE math...and I think it is really easy for a non-Math-y person like me to teach it.

Science: Nature Study and CC
Drawing outside at dusk with Sissy!
Now that the weather is not quite in the 100's everyday...we've been back outside more often.  We haven't ramped up to an hour plus just yet.  But, we plan to.  Bud has created a nature journal and we are simply trying to do three things: observe, discuss and record.  Sometimes we just observe the clouds.  Sometimes it's listening to and watching the birds in our backyard tree.  I don't want my kids to 'pass by' nature....I want them to 'stop and smell the roses'.

Language Arts: A Reason For Handwriting A, All About Spelling 1.  We alternate between these day Handwriting and one day Spelling.  Spelling goes by relatively quick right now.  He's not really 'into' this handwriting book right now since it is all review for awhile.  Hopefully, he will enjoy it as it picks up.

Things we do together:

Daddy led Bible reading and Bible verse memory
Circle Time: Calendar, Health and Safety, and other memory work.
Outside/Nature Study
Play and Read

He wanted to dress up like is in one of his shirts:

Learning to peel potatoes

I keep our stash of dress-up clothes stored away.  I bring them out every so often so it doesn't lose appeal.  Here Bud is with his Astronaut outfit inside his space shuttle (couch;).
The Astronaut
Having fun with Little Bear, Sissy and a friend--playing SPACESHIP!  Here is the captain astronaut with his co-pilots:
Thanks for stopping by!

Linking up to:

Weekly Wrap-up @ Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Monday, September 12, 2011

Classical Conversations Cycle 3 and Five in a Row - Our booklist and activity/ printable links

This week is our first week using Five in a Row as our weekly literature selection.  I began lining up different FIAR titles that would be a great read for the 24 History sentences we will be focusing on at CC.  There were some obvious 'go-along' titles that worked well.  There are also some that are a bit of a 'stretch' connection wise.  But, I love FIAR and wanted to incorporate it into our year even though we are doing CC.

I must say it is working out so far!  I used titles from FIAR volumes 1-3 and one from volume 4.  I also used titles from Homeschool Share which is an incredible resource.

I will update later this week with pics, project links, etc.

But, for now I wanted to upload our FIAR/CC Cycle 3 Booklist for those that may be interested.

Here is the link:
FIAR/ CC Cycle 3 Book and Activity List

Do you use Five in a Row?  CC?  Both?  Drop me a comment--I'd love to hear how you incorporate either or both.