* Click Here to read our curriculum update*
* To read more about our goals and plan for Kindergarten and resources we will use ---click here.*
It looks like we may have everything hammered down as far as curriculum for the Fall.
This is what we will be doing three days a week before nap times:
I am going to be using the 3's Curriculum which is suggested for 3-5 year olds on this Hubbard's Cupboard site. I decided on doing the 3's curriculum so that Sissy can join in on the fun:
I am going to supplement with these:
Music: Music for little Mozarts (for before taking piano lessons..a good prep)
Helping and Personal Care Monthly Themes: DH and I compiled these
Outdoor and Indoor Games: DH and I compiled these
See above link
Phonics: Alphaphonics (for Bud)
Handwriting: Reason for Handwriting K (for Bud)
Character: Choosing God's Way
In addition to the Bible Lessons on Hubbard's Cupboard, I am going to use 'Choosing God's Way' with Bud/Sissy. I printed out the sample lesson for Bud and tried it with him...and he really liked the questions and format.
Sample Page: http://loveteachingx2.com/Store/CGW.pdf
order info: http://loveteachingx2.com/Store/
Book lists: Hubbard's Cupboard has book suggestions but I will also working my way through a book list for us to read through next year
Activity bags: I hope to make activity bags/boxes for the Little Bear and Sissy only to be played with while working with Bud on 'school'. Likewise, DH is going to create fun 'math' type activities to use throughout the year....since that is his bent.
Nature Journal: I have nature journal pages I made for Bud ...when we come in from playing outside he fills out one of these.
http://www.scribd.com/doc/34622546 Front
http://www.scribd.com/doc/34622599 Back
We will be starting in late August and I hope to post on my blog...more details and links to everything.