Thursday, August 22, 2013

Grace not perfection:)

I want to show you my schedule for today:
Notice how nothing is checked off yet and how one of my children already has 3 sad faces on the board.

 This is what my children are doing instead of my lovely schedule.  Why?  Grace, not perfection.

My kids were having a hard time playing kindly, speaking kindly and just behaving with love towards each other this morning.  It happens often.  It will continue to happen if my husband and I fail to point them toward right attitudes and thinking and behavior according to God's word.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Mt. 5:9

So, I gave them 20 minutes to play anything they wanted as long as they were playing fairly and nicely.  

I read Matthew 5:9 and talked about peace and how we are going to have peace today and with one another.  

My personality likes lists, a plan and a routine.  It's as if my life is on a schedule in my mind and I have a hard time with 'detours'.  Basically, I have a hard time with GRACE, NOT PERFECTION.  But, I'm learning as, I teach my kids.  

Don't think that this blogger has it all together because of the nice pictures I show or links I put up.  Life here is real and tough and in need of peace and a whole lot of GRACE.


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